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"The visitors are not angels, and they are not demons. They are individuals who are driven by the same needs that drive humanity, and they will employ many of the same techniques that humanity has attempted to employ, though on a far lesser scale, in order to achieve their goals."[1]

Other races of beings "are coming to your world seeking to protect their interests and to discover what opportunities may lie ahead. They are not angels or angelic beings. They are not spiritual entities. They are beings who are coming to your world for resources, for alliances and to gain an advantage in an emerging world. They are not evil. They are not holy. In that, they are also much like you. They are simply driven by their needs, their associations, their beliefs and their collective goals."[2]


  1. The Allies of Humanity Book Two, 3rd Briefing: The Influence upon Humanity
  2. The Allies of Humanity, Book One, First Briefing: The Extraterrestrial Presence in the World Today

See also

Emergence into the Greater Community

The Network of the Wise