Category:Extraterrestrial Races
"The world is certainly being visited by different groups for different purposes. There are some groups who wish to assess your technology, to learn about your nature and to determine your biological codes, which will tell them about your temperament and predispositions. Others are coming here to determine whether you are capable of engaging in commerce and trade. Still others are coming here to look for the ancient depositories and to utilize and recruit those who show some skill and knowledge of the physical environment to help them do so." (Marshall Vian Summers. Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume Two, Chapter 10: Greater Community Visitations)
"The challenge is for humanity to understand who its allies really are and to be able to distinguish them from its potential adversaries. There are no neutral parties in this matter. The world is far too valuable, its resources recognized as being unique and of considerable worth. There are no neutral parties who are involved in human affairs. The true nature of the alien Intervention is to exert influence and control and eventually to establish dominion here."(Marshall Vian Summers. The Allies of Humanity Book One, Third Briefing: A Great Warning)
Synopsis of the extraterrestrial races now visiting Earth
- Characteristics of the visitors
- Racially diverse
- Multiply allied
- Technologically advanced
- Socially cohesive
- Influential in the Mental Environment
- Not armed with weapons, armies or armadas
- Highly organized and very focused
- Very pragmatic
- Not spiritually advanced
- Aims
- To gain and maintain access to resources, including biological products
- To gain humanity's allegiance
- Not to destroy human institutions but to employ them
- Methods
- Influence over powerful individuals with promises of greater power, technology, world domination
- Spiritual and religious manipulation: projecting iconic images and targeting sensitive types with promises of hope for humanity
- Acclimatization: establishing a hidden presence ultimately to be taken for granted
- Views of humanity
- Similar to our own view of domesticated animals
- Primitive, chaotic, unruly, immature
- Incapable and therefore undeserving of managing our own environment
- Baffling in our attachments to love and freedom
- Potential for benefit to humanity
- United against a common enemy
- Prepared for emergence into the Greater Community
Pages in category "Extraterrestrial Races"
The following 18 pages are in this category, out of 18 total.